9 Things That Stall Fat Loss – Saturday Strategy

Today you and I are gonna be juicing this giant cheese burger and some French fries. And I also wanna show you nine things that are stalling your fat loss.  So the numberone thing stalling your fat loss result is fast food.  Food that’s made in the plantand not a plant coming from a farm.  Number two is processed food.  Things that are loadedwith sugar, dairy, wheat, corn, things that are in boxes.  You know when you’re walkingin the grocery aisle.  You’re walking up the middle aisles, it’s not on the perimetershopping like we talked about in the FitLife way.  Number three, sugary foods.  Sugary foodsare gonna spike that insulin up and put you in a fat storage mode versus a fat burningmode.  Processed grains, you wanna avoid too because those can also spike your insulinup and it’s harder for your digestion tract to actually rip apart the nutrients and getall the enzymes and amino’s and everything from them.  And then you have artificial ingredients,things artificial sweeteners.  Things that your body has hard time processing, artificialcolor, things like that.  You wanna avoid canola oil and soybean oil as well.  Your exerciseroutine could be stalling your fat loss results as well.  We’ve shot a video on this recentlywhere people are doing chronic cardio.  I put your body in a state of elevated cortisoland as we’ve talked about before cortisol is that fat storing hormone that you wannaavoid.  And then it goes in to stress like we said exercise routine causes stress.  Stressin your daily life, stress from too fast paced environment, stress from your kids, stressfrom not having enough money in the bank account, stress from your romantic relationship, stress,stress, stress.  It piles on you and the more stress that piles on you unfortunately themore body fat is stored on you as well.  So today’s video I’m gonna show you a stressbreaking juice recipe and I’m also gonna show you a juice recipe that could be addingmore stress in your life.  So why are we addicted in the fast food? Well there’s one neurochemicalthat’s wreaking havoc in your mind and you don’t even know it.  And the fast food industryis programmed against you.  They know this neurochemical and they leverage their foodat certain way to make you addicted to it and it’s all around us.  It’s the mostdangerous neurochemical there is.  It’s the neurochemical that’s responsible for puttingpeople putting on those crazy winged suits and jumping of the airplane.  What is thatneurochemical? It’s dopamine.  A rush of dopamine in the brain is so powerful, it’sso addictive and did you know sugar is actually eight times more powerful at increasing dopaminelevels than even cocaine and other serious drugs? So let’s talk about what causes thedopamine spike in the brain.  Well the body’s a human juicer as I’ve talked about before. Everything it eats it has to turn to juice.  It has to liquefy it.  The thing that we'releveraging here is lot of fat in this beef patty but you also have a gigantic insulinspike from this white bread.  This is like an 86 on the glycemic index scale meaningthat this spikes your insulin up.  When your insulin is spiked up and you have fat withit, it causes a major rush of dopamine.  Unfortunately insulin is like your mom, you got this littlebread here, it’s like your mom coming in to your room telling you to clean up.  Everythingin your room is put in the closet right? Well there’s fat in the room which is this littlecheese burger here, part of the analogy if you’re sticking with me great if not thenjust listen we’re almost done with the analogy be patient, it tells your body to store thisfat.  So let’s see what happens when we juice a cheese burger and these French fries.  Alrightthat means something.  It didn’t really make any juice.  It kind a just turned into thissludge like substance.  So that’s what happens to the burger, now let’s go to the friesand see what happens.  There we go.  There you have it my friends, no juice.  What do youthink? And a lot of people eat fast food more than once today and this is what people areputting in their body right here.  Look at this.  Pretty sad if you ask me.  Alright myfriend today we got the pre work out beet juice recipe.  We’ve already talked aboutnine things that are stalling fat loss, now it’s time to get into the recipe.  So I havetwo delicious mini carrots.  Just like this.  I have one knuckle of ginger or if you wantI have more like I’m about to you can do that as well.  I have two lemons with the peelas we’ve talked about for having the peel.  Absolutely amazing for detoxifying phase twoliver detoxification.  We have our beets loaded with nitric oxide that’s going to help ourcirculatory system.  It’s gonna give us that pump natural occurring L-arginine in this. Now if you’re a body builder or something that goes to the gym a lot maybe you’retaking L-arginine supplement as a branched chain amino acid beets has natural occurringL-arginine in it, nitric oxide, absolutely amazing.  You get magnesium.  Did you know thatthere’s actually more nutrients than the beet greens than there is than the actualroot.  Pretty crazy right? So we got that.  And one of my personal favorite whole foodsupplements is this gently dried green juice, coconut and Ashwagandha infused.  I’m gonnaput some of this in there as well.  Ashwagandha helps regulate cortisol so if you’re inthe gym, you’re lifting heavy, need a little bit more cortisol to increase that stresshormones so that you can lift more or have more stamina, have more endurance, increaseyour testosterone, get rid of the stress, this is gonna help us do that.  So let’sget on with this juice recipe.  Alright here we go cheers to you.  Hmm, wow! Very tar, lotsof lemon.  I can tell them when I get energized from this juice recipe too.  It feels goodmy mitochondria is freaking out its like ready to go work out right now.  So love the juicerecipe make sure you try it.  Alright so at that time who won the juicer? Remember nextweek if you wanna win the juicer scroll down to the bottom of this blog post, leave a commentbelow about how your life is changed by implementing some of the strategies and tips that we talkedabout on FitLife TV.  This week’s juicer winner is Stephanie Nuyannes! She loves Organifiand uses it when she can’t find time to juice.  Stephanie is also using blender forher veggies.  This week we’re sending you a Kuving’s juicer Stephanie.  Use this todouble the nutritional value of that glass of greens.  Congratulations Stephanie! Alrightmy friend thank you so much for watching as always I’m Drew Canole and don’t go juicea cheeseburger.  This was particularly for entertainment value and to show you how thebody similar to a human juicer and sometimes the stuff that we’re eating we’re notgetting any juice out of it.  We’re not getting the life, the enzymes, the aminos, the phytonutrients,the phytochemicals that are gonna leave you feeling stronger and recharged than you’veever been in your whole life.  If you’ve learned anything in this video like it, loveit, please share it.  Actually this week I’m gonna pick somebody that not only leaves acomment of how they’ve impacted but also shared it on their social media as well.  Sowe’ll gonna be checking that out, share it, subscribe to our YouTube channel if youare on YouTube.  Like it on Facebook.  Drew Canole remember, we’re in this together. I’ll see you soon.  I’m Drew Canole remember don’t juice cheeseburgers.
9 Things That Stall Fat Loss – Saturday Strategy 9 Things That Stall Fat Loss – Saturday Strategy Reviewed by Unknown on 12:24 AM Rating: 5

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